Apollo—God of the Sun, Gods series, Niue Island 2020, 2 Dollars, 2 oz, 45 mm, antique finish ultra high relief coin, selective gilding, client: Numiartis, producer: Mint of Poland.


See my Ares, Poseidon and Hephaestus in the same series.


Apollo fell in love with beautiful nymph Daphne but she rejected his advances. Not discouraged Apollo chased her until she lost strength. Just before giving her a big kiss, Daphne asked her father, the god of the river, to transform her into a laurel tree. On my coin the scene depicts the moment, when Daphne changes into a laurel tree. On the background we see: Daphne’s father, an amphora (the symbol of god of the river), the waterfall and the river.

I like when my projects are not so simple as they could be. Sometimes I try to add something unusual, something surprising, not always obvious at a glance. Just for playing a game . Poseidon was gliding over the waves like a surfer and Apollo and Daphne are dancing Argentine tango. They are in the very specific position and this is a real figure of Argentine tango. It’s very emotional dance… like love.

Apollo, reverse
The final design.
The sketch of the coin.
The sketch of the coin.
Face of Apollo
The face of Apollo, final design.
The face of Apollo, final design.
The anatomy guidelines for the 3D modeller.
The anatomy guidelines for the 3D modeler.